Physiotherapists help people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.
Neurological physiotherapy is a specialism of physiotherapy which involves the assessment and treatment of individuals with problems that are a result of a neurological condition.
The team at Neuro Rehab Physio provide physiotherapy and rehabilitation for adults presenting with physical problems as a result of neurological conditions such as:
Traumatic Brain Injury
Parkinson's Disease
Cerebral Palsy
Mulitple Sclerosis
Spinal Cord Injury
Muscular Dystrophy
Motor Neurone Disease
Guillan Barre Syndrome
Vestibular and Balance Disorders
Facial Palsy
Brain and Spinal Tumour
Other Neurological Disorders
We also have therapists certified in the provision of individualised rehabilitation to men and women with cancer.
Find out more about the Neuro Rehab Physio team.
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